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  • westmoorcamera

One question leads to another?

Well, a well intentioned question and answer session sowed at the start of the year reaped a mighty single question.

To be fair tonight was always designed to be for the "newer members" to air questions to which they may not have a chance of asking under the "normal' forum.

Please note members these sessions are we hope there for members purely to try to enhance their knowledge and possibly all involved in the club. The reason to use an open floor method is to spread the word for what is considered or believed to be "best practice" however, through discussion other methods and values do come to light.

Ron Bowe asked a question: -

A scenario of : You turn up to an event and walk into a room/ rooms with the intention to take photos and the lighting would dictate either use flash or put up with very high ISO so its decided on ' I use flash '

Could be Wedding , Christening or Party etc.or any other mostly indoor situation

The question would be centered around 'tactics' and an assumption you a have a "speed light" not using the pop up flash but can still have a decent plan of action to start with.

As you know its not simply or as simple as fire up and see what happens?

With the lack of input it didn't leave much to the imagination that this may be a short but sweet excursion into the realms of education.

The resultant answer given back to the floor inspired what turned out to be a preview of how the "Dark Art" of flash photography is achieved i.e. the apparatus (camera, triggers, flash units, and additional types of flash unit soft box adaptors) all work together to produce the type of image desired by the photographer. Although we did go off in several tangents the discussion was always based on the application of the "Dark Art" I hope all enjoyed the discussions with a big thank you to Dave Brennan for his input to prove the verbal point two images were taken one is with a speed light in the large soft box, the second was the on camera speed light with the lightsphere and Sandy's modelling skills.

This should lead in nicely into our Portrait Session

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